Feb 2023


Machas & Partners has expanded its human resources in 2022, counting 17 new high caliber lawyers joining the team.

2022 has been yet another good year for Machas & Partners. We closed out FY22 with a fast run to the finish line exceeding targets month after month. Despite global instability with the war in Ukraine, an energy crisis roaring over the continents and the aftermath of a pandemic, we managed to grow and expand, and this only makes us feel blessed and humbled.


We are proud to have expanded our firm’s human resources with 17 new high caliber lawyers joining our team. We are a fast-growing team, and this is a welcome sign that our firm is making the right moves and thriving in its field.

Our team is made up of people who think outside the box. There is no pressure to fit a certain mould, as we appreciate the diversity of ideas that a variety of individuals bring to the team.
We are proud to have a team of individuals who have identified gaps and carved out niches of expertise that people cannot find at the same level anywhere else.

-> We are a leading law firm because we have a modern, flexible, progressive approach, and continue to grow and evolve. Lateral thinking, global outlook and  business acumen are what characterize us as a team. Get to know Our People.