Dec 2022


Machas & Partners redesigned website launch announcement!

This has been in the works for months and the launch date is finally here! We are so excited and proud to announce the launch of our redesigned website. And there could not be a more perfect time to launch it than on our 1st year at our new offices.


The new site is designed to reflect our new corporate identity, to also reflect the core of who we are and what we do: a team of lawyers approaching large scale and challenging issues in unexpected ways leading to results with exponential impact for our clients.

Having launched a new logo earlier this year, we worked for a site that updates the “look and feel” of our firm bringing us on the forefront of future-facing law firms. Our new site is designed to be faster than ever, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly. We welcome visitors with featured content focused on our practice and team excellence. Our current and prospective clients will find updated and detailed information about our legal team and the services we offer, and more.

Our purpose is to create far-reaching added value for our clients and partners through innovative thinking and insights. The power of X, the exponential impact factored into all we do, is at the heart of our name and legal culture.

Make sure you explore our brand-new website.